

This colloquium is registered under an interdisciplinary optic which promotes the analysis of the teaching-learning process as well as the way by which these two activities are mutually organized. It also draws particular situations or contexts, behaviors, technologies and others which decline in a changing dynamic.

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Themed axes

This colloquium assembles 4 different axes, crosses data originating from researches and practices from different natures, places and approaches, in order to open up on a dialectic reflection initiated by different researchers and practitioner.

4 themed axes are proposed to guide the communications, posters and symposium propositions. They will be also tackled and discussed while plenary conferences.

  • Axis 1: A crossed view on teaching practices in disciplinary didactics: epistemological position, study objects and methodological tools.
  • Axis 2: Tomorrow’s competences: which issue(s) and which training(s)?
  • Axis 3: Emotion, Motivation and scholar behavior.
  • Axis 4: Teaching, learning, programs and curriculum evaluation.

Axis 1: A crossed view on teaching practices in disciplinary didactics: epistemological position, study objects and methodological tools.

During this colloquium, the reflection on teaching practices will be conducted from a comparative approach in didactic dealing with studied objects, mobilized frames, data collection and treatment methods, as well as the obtained results in a clinical didactic approach and a comparatist approach in didactic.

A certain number of interrogations will be picked in order to be discussed:

  • How can the nature of knowledge, its statues, its procedure or the utilized devices to transmit it, affect the teaching practices analysis?
  • If the references utilized for the knowledge to be taught reveal mostly disciplinary epistemologies, what are the privileged references in the analysis of the professional knowledge? Are the professional gestures revealing the link(s) to knowledge and the professional preoccupations of the teachers?
  • Which data, which corpus are used for the teaching and professional practices analysis? What links must be forged with the nature of the implemented devices?

Axis 2: Tomorrow’s competences: which issue(s) and which training(s)?

This axis contributes to the interdisciplinary reflection and to changes and/or debates on the challenges, issues, opportunities, practices, innovations, the fate of teaching/learning as well as the needed competences to tomorrow’s jobs. It aims to provide trails to improve the employability of university graduate and the trainings quality. Teaching/learning and jobs will be placed in an innovating, transversal, multidisciplinary, avant-garde and technological third millennium. These exchanging vectors with be necessarily multiple: actual practices, future trend, research and innovation. 

Axis 3: Emotion, Motivation and scholar behavior

In this axis, the proposed communications’ object can be, without being limiting:

  • A conceptual reflection on motivation, motivational dynamic, the resignation in scholar and university domain, as well as on more specific questions such as the self-efficacy feeling, the vulnerability or even the socio-emotional competences.
  • Surveys on motivation and learning, among others the transformation of learning spaces related to the digital impact.
  • Researches on scholar motivation and motivational believes.
  • Interdisciplinary collaborations, mostly between psychology, educational sciences and sociology seeking to de-compartmentalize the approaches and to vary the contexts.

Axis 4: Teaching, learning, programs and curriculum evaluation

Questions registered in this axis can be interested more in evaluation practices than conceptions made by the actors of these practices. It deals with “what is done in the field”, “what should be done” but equally “what the stakeholders think”. In this context, many questions can be tackled :

  • What is(are) the privileged evaluation procedure(s) within an active pedagogy approach ? How to establish the evaluations which may articulate the competences’ conceptions (including those of Tardif, 2006 and Roegiers, 2004) and the approaches of active pedagogy (including the model of Lebrun, 2007) ?
  • How to transform the evaluation from a simple control act to a dynamic learning process ?
  • With the opening up on digital evaluation, what are the positions that can the teacher adopt? What will be the implications on learning, on the educative relation and on the link to knowledge ?
  • How to promote an evaluation and a pedagogical steering culture of the educative system more in a scholar scale than social scale ?
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